Monday, January 15, 2007

The good, the bad, and the fugly....

~hrrrmpfh~ Where to start!?!?!

Well, as some of you know I was out of comission fo a while because I accidentally scrooged up the drivers on my computer, yes my lame ass lost my drivers recovery disk(shup). So, I had to pay some big fat money grubbing fuck to fix it.

Moreover, I cant even really function very well in SL as is. My graphics card is dying a slow death and I get severe vertigo when I'm on too long staring at the mayberry-esque matrix animation crap that is constantly plaguing my screen! Errr!

As if things weren't bad enough, some young asshats that decided to get sloshed at a party the night after Christmas also decided to spray paint the windshield and all the winders on my car with effing spray adhesive! AGGGGH! I was so m'effing pist. I got invited by my Mom to go to dinner at this good italian restaurant........ WEE.. go outside to get into my car.. anddddddddd WHAT THE FAWK!!! .. So, I haul ass inside.. call the powlece! Just my luck, I get whatever 9 year old they decided to make chief of police!... Yay. This dood tells me that I'm one of 20 complaints he's had. They doubt they'll ever catch them, but that they'll have a cop in an unmarked car sittting by my house all night. Gee thanks! I'm like wtf is on my windows do you know? "Well ma'am, (omg I hate being called that), we haven't actually seen any of the cars but from the sounds of it........... WHAT????? They didnt even bother to go and check out any of our cars that got vandalized! Great force we got here right? But wait! It gets better. He says to me.. *holds back laughing*..... I suggest you go to your nearest hardware store to see if they have something to dissolve it... but whatever you do dont try washing your windshield with a brillo pad!!!! LMAO.. I had to pause .. I bust out laughin and before I knew it .. a set of not terribly inventive and offensive shit flew out of my mouth. I told him.. "Listen you lame ass Mayberry Reject! Do I look like I just fell off the damn yam wagon? A Brillo Pad? Keeeeeeeerist! I decided it was time to the end the call at that point, and thanked him for his "ahem" help. It then dawned on me that the hot as hell mechanic that used to rescue me when my 76 vw would leave my stranded just might still be up there. Soooooooo... I went up.. batted a few eyelashes and flirted my way into him coming down and scraping the shit off with a razor blade. Awww.. My hero..

So... I finally get back to SL, and what a welcome to! I had one of my most well known and original designs, Storm, robbed. Now, I know I know.. it happens a lot in SL, but geesh! This one was all over the place for its coolness.. Why would someone be dumb enough to try and recreate a mediocre copy of it and use it as their own? Well, I just had to know. I msged the owner of this establishment, I said to her. "First I'd like to thank you for your apparent admiration of my work, but really it was in poor taste to steal it and call it your own." Her reply you ask? "Your hair is hardly original." LOL! No shit? Not anymore, now that you've copied it! Now, before you start thinking, wah wah, shut up a lot of hair in SL looks alike, this one was very distinct, atleast in my opinion, and many others I might add. It was pretty impressive. I received like 100's of IMS that day asking me had I seen? I replied yes and was planning on a course of action. Well word apparently travels fast. After a friend of mine became a little bird floating around SL spreading the word, I soon had 50 people lined up to buy the original Storm! Wow! I was geeked out of my mind!!! I guess I'll share the picture. I'll block out some info to protect the guilty, but many of you will probably recognize the picture anyways.. lol.. I guess adding a few more rings around the hair and non-alpha bangs is sufficient in letting someone believe it was their own creativity sparking. Hrmmmpth! All in all, I guess it worked out sorta ok. I had a great many supporters and all of them thought that it was clearly seen to the naked eye that mine was much better. Thanks to all of you for that, I appreciate it, still doesnt help the anger I feel tho. My creativity went into that.. my heart. It's silly I guess, but I tend to have so much pride in certain things that I do, and to have this kind of thing happen is terrible. I've always been a great supporter of copycat extermination within SL, and now that it's happened to me, I'm just that much more determined to atleast try to put a dent in, and foil atleast someones plan. I love walking around and looking at the work that others have created. It's so refreshing to see some of the amazing things that people come up with. I would kick mine own self in the teeth if I spent my time walking around looking for things I could rip off. Yack!
Sometimes, for the life of me, I've no idea why I continue to return to SL. If its not something like I mentioned above, its grid attacks, or downed search. Not to mention that I've not been able to teleport most of the time now in Second Life. Cheese effing whiz! I keep forgetting tho, these are features. *smirks* I guess in a way it has helped me to be productive. Since I've been stuck on my land for days now, I've spent most of my time up in the bell tower widdling hair out of sticks! Go effing me! lol
Anywho, I think I'll post the new additions in another blog. I dont want to share any more picture space with that phony above!

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